My Google Innovator Project is now a course.

Once upon a time, Bella struggled in school. She has dyslexia. However, she loves to draw. Everyday, Bella felt stupid because she struggled with basic recall. Until one day, her teacher allowed her to use different levels of learning. Majority of these activities use the 4C's (Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.) Because of that, Bella felt smart and was able to create sticky learning because she used her strengths to make stronger connections to the learning. And ever since then Bella was able to have more ownership and empowerment in her learning.

I am still working on a Prototype! But that is where you come into play, I need your help with feedback on my Google Innovator project. These prototypes will focus on increasing student learning for students with disabilities. Interested? Make sure you subscribe today!

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For additional resources:

More about the innovator program:

ITIP 2019 Presentation: Helping "THAT" Kid Be Successful

The House of #EdTech Podcast:

ISTE 2019 Google Playground Presentation: Helping "THAT" Kid Be Successful

Virtual Reality and Closing the Instructional Gap- Poster Session

Get Inspired and Innovate Podcast:

Chromebook Classroom Podcast- Back To school

The Suite Talk: Video Wakelet

Teach Better Talk Podcast

#hacklearning Chat

Alignment to ISTE Standards Alignment to Ohio Standards for Teaching Profession


Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning.


Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning.


Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice, discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.


Educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner variability.


Educators understand and use data to drive their instruction and support students in achieving their learning goals.

Standard 1: Students

Teachers understand student learning and development and respect the diversity of the student they teach.

Standard 2: Content

Teachers know and understand the content area for which they have instructional responsibility.

Standard 3: Assessment

Teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student learning.

Standard 4: Instruction

Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction that advances the learning of each individual student.

Standard 5: Learning Environment

Teachers create learning environments that promote high levels of learning and achievement for all students.

Standard 6: Collaboration and Communication

Teachers collaborate and communicate with students, parents, other educators, administrators and the community to support student learning.

Standard 7: Professional Responsibility and Growth

Teachers assume responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement as an individual and as a member of the learning community.